are the apartments a medafor for the "paper bag"
...i get the point of the movis but i dont get the cat/bunny thing. and the part where she crys at the numbers. are those like the vietnam wall but for the korean war? the transistion between human and anamal waz a little funny but i think that it brings the view of te movie accros a little better. you all make suck wonderful movies about life, so i feel a good movie for you to make would be one about the low life. bums, crimanals, loss, and general sorrow. but then pull is all back with how forgiving life can be. though you dont seem like a downer to me =D. at any rate keep up the supream work. and one last thing:
do you animate on regular pen and pencle? if not start now dude because you can go big i'm serious.
i love this artistic crap ;)